At Narellan Community Congregational Church (NCCC) we believe all our regular programs and occasional events must contribute towards increasing our faith walk. Thus, our vision is as follows:
At Narellan CCC, we aim to be a healthy, functioning and safe community of faith with members known for integrity.
What Do You Mean by Those Terms?
By aiming to be healthy we mean that while our community is mixed in terms of gender, age, culture, ethnicity, interests, maturity and spiritual development, we too can be of one heart and mind if we own our vision together, even bearing one another’s burdens, as we grow into the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23).
We are vigilant therefore to protect each other from those beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that threaten to tear us apart and bring dishonour to the name of Jesus and his Kingdom.
To be a functioning community of faith means we have simple and efficient systems helping us to meet the discipleship-oriented needs of all who come within our sphere of influence, those whom God would trust us to disciple, systems which do not overwhelm our resources nor burn out our people.
To be a safe community of faith means we care for all those who come within our sphere of influence, those whom God would trust us to disciple. And to do so in such as a way as to demonstrate the ideals of the Kingdom of God.
Finally, in regards to having members known for integrity, we recognise it is the members of our church who especially carry the name of our church wherever they go and whatever they do. If the members of our community are to be known for anything it will be because we are identifiably members of this community who are actively involved in our neighbourhood. This is our outward-focus, to be known outside our church doors because we are, in fact, outside those doors actively and proactively.
May the members of our church have an opportunity to share the good news about Jesus. May our neighbours know of our faith and good works, not for our sake or glory but because we have been good witnesses for Jesus the Christ in both our words and deeds.

Why Is Having a Vision Important?
This vision statement expresses what kind of community we want to be. It arises out of our interpretation of biblical commands.
For instance, we join with all of God’s people in praying, “Thy Kingdom come”, yet Jesus calls us to, “Be my Kingdom until I return”.
We believe, therefore, the Church and local churches are to be a foretaste, a glimpse, of the Kingdom.
What happens when we’re not a glimpse of the Kingdom?
Speaking about his impending crucifixion, Jesus said,
As for me, if I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all people to myself.
John 12:32
If we are ‘lifting up’ Jesus —by sharing the good news about him as well as embodying our faith in him in our lifestyle and community— then through our witness he, by the Spirit, will draw people to himself.
This then begs the question: If our community is not growing, either in numbers or influence, is it possible this is because we are not lifting up Jesus in a way that pleases God enough for him to trust us to care for them and to teach them to obey all Jesus commanded?
In other words, our vision must be to fulfil God’s purpose now, as much as we possibly can. That is what we are aiming at. Why? So that Jesus would be lifted up and our lost neighbours would be rescued and reconciled, and be ultimately counted among those who enjoy the restoration of creation.
Each and every member must therefore own this vision, which is to understand and affirm it, be committed to it and contribute to it. If not, we will be stuck as a community and never come close.